Thomas Family Dentistry, we know that no one enjoys that "dirty" feeling that comes from having plaque on their teeth. Here are five ways that you can avoid that dreaded enemy of our teeth!
First, let start with
BRUSHING REGULARLY! Brushing your teeth twice a day with a fluoride-containing toothpaste is vital to a healthy mouth. Make sure that you use a soft bristled toothbrush and softly brush all of the surfaces of your teeth.
Next on the list is
FLOSSING DAILY! Plaque is known to reach the spaces between teeth. A simple daily flossing between teeth clears away plaque before it can cause damage as well as removing the plaque found at the gum line.
Let's say that you already brush and floss daily, you are still at risk for plaque accumulation! How? The plaque that is not completely removed each day from your home care hardens and turns into tartar.
REGULAR CLEANINGS at least twice a year or as recommended can reduce plaque, tartar, and lower the chance of getting cavities or losing your natural teeth!
Don't avoid certain
FRUITS AND VEGETABLES! Believe it or not, there are foods out there that play a key role in keeping plaque off our teeth. They include apples, carrots, cucumbers and other raw fruits and vegetables. You can still eat these types of fruits and vegetables even if you're wearing braces, but be sure to cut them up into bite sized pieces to avoid breaking off brackets.
Finally, before you pick up that candy bar,
RESIST YOUR SWEET TOOTH! Consuming sugary drinks or eating candy or other junk food allows sugar to stick to our teeth. The bacteria found in plaque can use the sugar to produce acid, which in turns damages our teeth.
Remembering these five things can keep plaque in check and allow your mouth to be as healthy as possible! If you have any questions about plaque or your dental health, give our dental office a call at
918-455-0123 or ask us on
God Bless,