A new study suggests that postmenopausal women are not only at a high risk for broken bones, but are also at an increased risk for gum disease.
The research included almost 200 women, aged 51 to 80. They had all gone through menopause within the last 10 years, did not smoke and had not taken any hormone replacement therapy, bone loss prevention drugs or diabetes medications for at least five years.
The women's gums were examined and their fracture risk was assessed on a Fracture Assessment Risk Tool (FRAX), which takes into account factors such as weight, height, previous fractures, arthritis, smoking and diabetes.
The researchers noted that many of those factors are also associated with gum disease!
Women with high fracture risk scores also showed the strongest signs of gum disease, a finding that suggests that fracture risk could be a reliable indicator of gum disease, according to the study published in the journal Menopause.
While more investigations are needed, the FRAX tool score can potentially be used as a way to find women at risk for gum disease. Although health insurance does not cover dental procedures, researchers are now suggesting that there should be coverage for gum disease because of its link to a woman's overall health.
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