Tuesday, May 10, 2011

May: The Dental Connection!

Did you know that the month of May is National Physical Fitness and Sports Month?  In 1983, President Ronald Reagan encouraged Americans to incorporate more physical activity into our lives.  The reminder is even more significant today as people are more distracted by television, social networking, video games and working more hours.  Living an active lifestyle can improve physical and mental health, productivity and overall well-being.  The best part?  It does not have to take a lot of time or effort.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has provided these guidelines for your reference. The guidelines call for people to exercise one hour every day engaging in moderate intensity physical activity (such as playing sports or brisk walking) or one hour and fifteen minutes of vigorous activity (jogging, dancing and jumping rope).

At Thomas Family Dentistry, we always encourage our patients to exercise or participate in sports.  However, we want to remind you to always wear a mouth guard or other forms of facial protection when doing so.  To learn more about how often you should exercise, we recommend that you check out other helpful tips at the American Heart Association.

God Bless,

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