Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Batter Up: The Dental Connection!

This summer, as you and your family head out to the ball game--whether it's a Major League park or the local tee ball game, it's important to remember to make smart, healthy choices when it comes to snacks.  Here are some tips you can use to avoid greasy, ballpark foods:

  • Eat before you go!
  • What are you drinking?  Water is always a cheap, refreshing option. Gatorade,  Powerade and VitaminWater work as well, but keep in mind their sugar levels.
  • Bring your own snacks.  Many venues will allow you to take in your own limited snacks, however remember that these must be in unopened packages when you enter the gates.
  • Before the game, get some exercise.  You'll be sitting for two-to-three hours at the game, so be sure to take a walk or a light run before you head out.
  • Calories, calories, calories.  From hot dogs to fries to pizza, the ballpark stands typically sell high-caloric foods.  But most venues will also offer healthier options, such as chicken sandwiches, turkey wraps or soups and salads.

Enjoy the game!

God Bless,

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