- Resolution: Eat Healthier
- App: Fooducate
- Lose Weight, eat real food and get healthy. This app grades your groceries, explains what's really inside each product and offers healthier alternatives. Their database includes over 200,000 UPC codes!

- Resolution: Work Out / Exercise More
- App: NPT Boom
- Nike BOOM syncs your music to your dynamic training workouts, with the world's most elite athletes and coaches motivating you along the way. Choose your type of workout, length of training, best workout music and favorite Nike athletes-then get to work.

- Resolution: Gain More Control Of Finances
- App: Mint
- Mint.com allows you to track, budget and manage your money all in one place, so you can see where you're spending and where you can save. Open an account, add your bank, credit, loan and retirement accounts and Mint will automatically pull in and categorize your transactions.

- Resolution: Become More Organized
- App: Wunderlist
- Wunderlist 2 is the easiest way to manage and share your daily to-do lists. Whether you're planning an overseas adventure, sharing a shopping list with a loved one, or simply keeping track of your daily to-dos, Wunderlist can help get things done.

Although improving your dental health did not make the top of the list, taking care of your smile does impact each one of the top four resolutions in one way or another. From eating healthier "dental" foods, which provide energy to exercise, to keeping track of your regular dental cleanings, which can lower your overall costs for maintaining your smile, these apps for 2013 can help keep your dental health on track this year! If you are in need of a dental appointment, call our dental office at 918-455-0123! May each of you have a great new year!
God Bless,
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