Monday, November 3, 2014

Good Nutrition: The Dental Connection!

Although the most common oral health diseases are tooth decay and periodontal (gum disease), they are among the easiest to prevent! One of the best ways to boost your oral health is by improving your diet, because you and your mouth are truly what you eat.  A healthy diet can lead to a healthy mouth and body, while an unhealthy diet can to lead to the exact opposite.

The Role Nutrition Plays

While diet is not the only exact factor that leads to periodontal disease, studies suggest that the disease may be more severe among patients whose diets lack essential nutrients.  Poor diets will generally lead to a weaker immune system, leaving your body more susceptible to all kinds of aliments, including periodontal disease.

A Well-Balanced Approach

There is no "magic" diet to improve your oral health, but the most important thing is to seek a well-balanced approach in your eating.  Meals should include a balance of lean meats or healthy protein sources, colorful fruits and vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy, and healthy fats.  Foods containing substantial amounts of sugar and salt should be consumed in moderation.

Soda and Sugar: A Dangerous Duo

Millions of gallons of soda are consumed every day in America, but sipping on a cold soft drink can be very harmful to your teeth.  Many of these beverages, including diet pop, contain citric acid, which can wear down or dissolve the protective coating of the enamel on teeth!

If you have any questions or are in need of an appointment, call our office at 918-455-0123!

God Bless,

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