Friday, April 8, 2016

1-Day Lemon Water Cleanse: The Dental Connection!

A very popular cleanse that is being implemented by many patients and that has been featured on the Dr. OZ show and his website has a dental connection.  As his website states, "Drinking hot lemon water is a great way to kick-start your metabolism and helps you begin your day feeling energized. Make this recipe to your liking and add as many or as few lemon slices as your taste buds desire. This warm cup is an especially good swap during the cleanse for those who enjoy a cup of coffee in the morning." Although the warm lemon water may energize your system, many people are unaware that lemon water can have a very damaging effect upon your teeth!

Lemon water, hot or in iced water, contains citric acid, which has been shown to dissolve the enamel off of your teeth.  Recently, a patient presented to our office for a regular cleaning and exam.  Although the patient had NO discomfort, rampant decay at the gumline and on the root surfaces below the gum tissue was discovered.  Unfortunately, this type of decay can easily lead to tooth loss.  The patient stated that the only change that she had experienced since the last cleaning was the implementation of the lemon cleanse that had been seen on the Dr Oz television show.  If you do participate in this popular lemon cleanse, please be aware of the potential unexpected dental damage that may occur!  Rinsing your mouth thoroughly with plain water following each cup of lemon water can reduce the acidity in the mouth and thereby limiting the enamel erosion.

If you have any questions or are in need of an appointment, call our office at 918-455-0123!

God Bless,

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