Friday, August 21, 2015

Headaches: The Dental Connection!

Many people suffer from headaches for years without really ever getting to the root cause of their problem.  If you find yourself feeling like you're part of one of the "headache" commercials commonly seen on TV these days, it might be worth a trip to see a medical professional. However, it might not be the person that first comes to your mind!

Chronic headaches can frequently be associated with dental issues.  In fact, the American Academy of Craniofacial Pain estimates that 80% of headaches are caused by muscle tension, which often originates in the jaws.


  • Feeling as though your head or scalp is painful to the slightest touch
  • Experiencing a dull throbbing pain behind your eyes
  • Clicking or popping sounds in your jaw joints
  • Grinding or clenching the jaws, particularly in times of anxiety or at night
  • Feeling as though your jaw muscles are sore upon waking from sleep

Several dozen muscles control your facial expressions, jaw movements, and motions such as swallowing.  When these muscles are contracted for long periods of time, tension builds up within the muscles and can lead to headaches.  This may happen if you clench or grind your teeth at night, your bite is maligned, or you have muscle imbalances in your jaw or neck.

  • Bite.  In many cases, correcting your bite through orthodontics releases the stress on your jaw muscles, and reduces the frequency of headaches.
  • Nightguard.  A nightguard, which resembles a sports mouthguard, may also be helpful if you frequently grind or clench your jaws during sleep.  Nightguards distribute the tension from your clenched jaws and reduce the possibility of dental damage.
  • Physical Therapy.  Correcting the posture of your shoulders, neck, and head may alleviate muscle tension associated with headaches.

If you have any questions or are in need of a dental appointment, call our office at 918-455-0123!

God Bless,

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