Monday, January 4, 2016

New Year: The Dental Connection!

With the start of the new year, we get asked a lot of questions from our patients.  The ones that we hear most frequently are "How long is this procedure going to take?" "Will it hurt?" "What are we doing today?" What types of materials will you be using?" "Does my insurance cover this procedure?"

We enjoy answering any questions that you may have, but there are also some questions that you should ask our dental team that we don't hear as often, yet we believe are very important for maintaining your oral health, such as:

  • How can I prevent this from happening again?
  • How can I keep my teeth for a lifetime?
  • What are the benefits of a regular dental cleaning schedule?
  • How are my teeth and how well am I taking care of them?

These questions, or any other dental questions that you can think of, our entire team are here to answer!  You can ask us at your next appointment or by calling us at 918-455-0123.

God Bless,

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