Friday, June 19, 2015

Toothpaste: The Dental Connection!

Everyone knows that it is recommended to brush your teeth for two minutes twice daily.  But have you ever wondered what's in toothpaste and how it actually works? The mouth is home to more than 500 types of microorganisms that feed on the leftover food that gets stuck on and around the teeth.  Toothpaste is the best line of defense against all of those pesky germs. Take a look at how it works.


Toothpaste contains mild abrasive additives that combat microorganisms and fight plaque.  When you brush, the abrasives in toothpaste dislodge food particles and microorganisms more effectively than if you simply brush with water.  The abrasives also work to remove food stains and polish the surface of the tooth.  Some toothpastes include ingredients like triclosan and Xylitol. These chemicals prevent the growth of bacteria that produce plaque.  The bacteria in plaque not only causes cavities, but it can also lead to more dangerous issues like periodontal disease.


Fluoride is the key ingredient in toothpaste.  As the germs in your mouth feed off of the leftover food particles, they leave behind acid and sulfur byproducts that wear away the enamel of the teeth. This is the technical way that the acid forming on your teeth causes cavities.  And it's the sulfur byproduct that causes bad breath.  Fluoride works to fight the acid and help to protect teeth.  By brushing, the fluoride is incorporated into the tooth enamel, which in turn makes the tooth more resistant to acid and plaque.


Not all toothpastes are the same.  The flavoring agents added to the toothpaste don't have anything to do with fighting microorganisms and plaque, but taste is one of the most important selling points in finding a brand that you like and more importantly, will consistently use.  Flavoring agents mask the taste of some of the other ingredients in toothpaste as well, and without those agents, chances are that nobody would be brushing their teeth for the recommended two minutes twice daily!

If you have any questions or are in need of a dental appointment, call our office at 918-455-0123!

God Bless,

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